Does preparing for Christmas resemble a Hallmark movie or a horror flick?
Years ago a TV commercial showed a frantic woman scrambling to simultaneously deal with a ringing phone, screaming children, barking dog, and a delivery person at her door.
Years ago a TV commercial showed a frantic woman scrambling to simultaneously deal with a ringing phone, screaming children, barking dog, and a delivery person at her door.

Evidently, behind the scenes in Happy
Commercial Land, the dog stops barking to answer the phone, the
delivery person baby-sits the children, and Betty Crocker and the
Keebler Elves get dinner under control.
How about you? Do you feel overwhelmed? Could you use a Calgon moment? I'm pretty sure the Fed-Ex man and Marie Callender won't show up to help any time soon, but there's some good news.
There's a God who loves you. He wants
to help you.
Here's what He says:
"And call for help when you’re in
I’ll help you, and you’ll
honor me.” Psalm 50:15 The MessageWe can go nuts with Christmas tasks: shopping, baking, cleaning ... Or we can focus on Jesus, who truly is the reason for celebrating Christmas.
"For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 NLT
So when Christmas preparations start to bury us under a multi-tasking avalanche, we don't have to crumble under it. Let's call to
God for help. He's available 24/7.
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