That's where I've been lately.
It seems that no matter how much I do, I fall farther behind.
And I'm missing the here and now because I'm fretting about what needs to get done.
Last month our thirteen-year-old grandson was out of school for two weeks with a fractured knee. After a week and a half on heavy painkillers, he finally felt well enough to do some schoolwork.
My husband brought home the books, worksheets, and report packets from each of our grandson's classes. We piled them in a towering stack next to his chair. His eyes bugged out. "That's Homework Mountain. How am I supposed to do it all?" he asked.
I told him, "Don't worry about doing everything. Just pick one subject and work on it when you feel up to it."
He heaved a sigh and grabbed his science book.
An hour later he put the book and completed worksheet packet on the opposite side of Homework Mountain. "One down, ten to go," he muttered.
But after resting he picked up another book. This time it only took twenty minutes to finish. He plopped his work on the finished pile and crowed, "Oh, yeah!"
For the next two days he chipped away at Homework Mountain. He'd glance at it, then look over at the work he'd done.
He called me over each time he completed a subject so we could celebrate. Soon the pile of finished reports and worksheets reigned in middle-school splendor.
He said, "Hey Grandma, I kept looking at what I needed to do, then looked at what I'd already done. And I finished two weeks of work in two days!"
Sometimes we need to look back to see how far we've progressed.

I've been beating myself up for not writing more. But when I looked back over the past few months, I see progress.
My stories are in three of the latest Chicken Soup for the Soul books.
Instead of focusing on "I'm so Far Behind Mountain," I'm determined to look at accomplishments, no matter how small they seem, and give God the glory for it all.
How about you? Where do you see forward momentum in your life? What will you celebrate?
Even if we don't feel we've accomplished much, the bible offers this encouragement from Zechariah chapter four:
"Do not despise these small beginnings..."
After all, even a baby step forward moves us in the right direction.