Tuesday, August 25, 2020

10 second "Want vs. Need" Quiz


Which is a need, which is a want? Take this highly scientific 10 second quiz to discover the answer!

Q) Which of the following is a need?

A) "My arm is broken. I need to go to the hospital."

B) "My outfits are lame. I need to go to the mall." 

If you chose A, congratulations. You identified the need.

(Insider's note: both are actual quotes from a twelve-year-old family member.)

My want list contains things like a unicorn, and a personal chef who turns chocolate desserts into a low calorie health food. But my needs list includes asking my husband to help with dinner so we don't wind up in the ER from my cooking.

(Insiders note: my grandson swears I killed a squirrel who ate the burnt eggplant I'd set outside.)

So what do you need help with? Work projects? School? Child care? Cooking? Cleaning? Tending sick friends or elderly relatives? 

Be proactive. Seek help from family, friends, neighbors, your church family, and coworkers. Sometimes a small break can make a major difference. Maybe you need a meal delivered, or a few hours without the children. Maybe you need a tutor, or a night out with friends or your spouse. Although that might be a picnic instead of dinner at an exclusive restaurant.

(Insiders note: my husband would rather eat my lethal burnt eggplant than dine in a fine restaurant.)

We live in a constantly changing "new normal" with Covid-19, social unrest, and economic uncertainty. People have contended with plagues, fires, famines, political machinations, and wars for centuries. An ancient book offers advice to deal with it:

"Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done." Phil 4:6 NLT

Which lines up with 1 Peter 5:7, "Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you."
So, I might want to worry. but I need to pray. 

What new--or old--methods are you using to meet your needs and those of others?

By the way, if anyone wants or needs burnt eggplant, I'll gladly share my portion.

(Insider's note: I actually burned the green beans while writing this blog. But I left the smoky pan inside this time to prevent squirrel deaths.)

Photo courtesy of apolonia@freedigitalphotos.net