Monday, March 28, 2016

Demolishing the Time Suckers De-railed.

We interrupt part three of our series, "Demolishing the Time Suckers," to join author Angela D. Meyer's blog, currently in progress.

(OK, I'm horribly embarrassed to admit it, but after I wrote the guest post for Angela's blog, I succumbed to this massive time sucker. I PROMISE to reveal it next time. Stay tuned.)

Meanwhile, CLICK HERE to visit Angela's blog, and learn how to destroy "spiritual clutter."
Sometimes navigating our homes resembles a journey through the Mountains of Messiness. We detour around the Laundry Foothills, dodge paper-pile avalanches, and sidestep mountain-goat-sized jumble heaps.

Traversing these trails can reveal a spiritual truth: External clutter often reflects internal clutter. Parents of small children, please don’t launch those Cheerios catapults at me. A quiver full of tots is a blessing that entitles you to a “Don’t Judge My Mess” card. But for many of us, a chaotic home reflects an overstuffed life. 
- See more at:

Sometimes navigating our homes resembles a journey through the Mountains of Messiness. We detour around the Laundry Foothills, dodge paper-pile avalanches, and sidestep mountain-goat-sized jumble heaps.

Traversing these trails can reveal a spiritual truth: External clutter often reflects internal clutter. Parents of small children, please don’t launch those Cheerios catapults at me. A quiver full of tots is a blessing that entitles you to a “Don’t Judge My Mess” card. But for many of us, a chaotic home reflects an overstuffed life. 
- See more at:

Sometimes navigating our homes resembles a journey through the Mountains of Messiness. We detour around the Laundry Foothills, dodge paper-pile avalanches, and sidestep mountain-goat-sized jumble heaps.

Traversing these trails can reveal a spiritual truth: External clutter often reflects internal clutter. Parents of small children, please don’t launch those Cheerios catapults at me. A quiver full of tots is a blessing that entitles you to a “Don’t Judge My Mess” card. But for many of us, a chaotic home reflects an overstuffed life. 
- See more at:
Meme courtesy of Angela D. Meyer

And on a related note, I'm pretty pumped that my new book, Fast Fixes for the Christian Packrat, made its first international sale. Thank you Great Britain!

To celebrate I'm offering a one week .99 special on the book
From March 30th-April 6th get humor, scripture, and methods that actually work, all for under a buck.

But grab it fast. On April 6th the offer disappears faster than Snickers at a Choco-holics convention.

Click here to grab this bargain.

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